"When the going gets tough...the tough get going."

"Be at your best when the best is needed."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Annoyed at Farmers

So we tried to go for a trot tonight after some light flatwork and the field behind us still hasn't been cut and hayed. We get back there and I try and trot Legacy through it and it's past his shoulders and there are biting flies everywhere and then there are deer beds all throughout which are spooking him, so I said forget it and we turned around and came back. Now that the corn is coming in my shortcuts to be able to trot from our house back to the field are closed and there are more roads, so more walking. It was really frustrating. Then we tried to just trot back the farm lane, but there are huge rocks everywhere and the ground is extremely hard. I couldn't win tonight, so Cody and Legacy got somewhat of a light conditioning, but I definitely need to step up the workouts again. I guess we'll have to start taking them to Marsh Creek...we would've tonight if we weren't trying to remodel the outside of our house in 2 weeks...

Our flatwork this week just needs to be focused on getting him to respond to my leg, both laterally and forward/back. He got fairly sensitive to it tonight, but I laid into him pretty good. I'm trying to remember not to give him any slack with responses at all and making sure he is doing what I'm asking. Sometimes he goes into my leg instead of away from it and that's when he needs a hard lesson because he can't do that.....CAN NOT!! So we'll be working on that this week. Hopefully it will help our leg yields next weekend!!

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