"When the going gets tough...the tough get going."

"Be at your best when the best is needed."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mr. Cody Joe Step 2010 Debut

Well today was the first show of the year for me and Cody. And it seems fitting that it is a good time for my first blog.

Anyhow, over the past couple weeks, Cody and I have had a rough go of it with our dressage work. Danny and Kelly have worked with me to quiet my hands and stop my constant leg-kicking, so overall, my dressage has been improving. But as things improve, more seems to be asked and we are now trying to raise his poll and improve his trot. Since we started working on this, Cody sensitivity has emerged (along with my lack-there-of). That combination has resulted in some rough rides (and 1 fall which I'll call a dismount).

So with the rough dressage riding, I wasn't sure how today would go. As it turned out, we had a really good warmup and I was feeling confident as our test started. He was doing rather well but then he broke at the trot into a canter! I was able to recover from this mishap and still finish with a fairly solid test. Even with the break, I thought my score would have been better, but the judge put me on a 45 and in 6th place.

Stadium and cross-country were amazing. I enjoy the cross county so much with Cody. And he seems to really enjoy jumping and has been jumping better and better. I hope, at some point to be able to do novice on him, but his dressage needs to continue to improve before we make that move.

Everyone else in my division seemed to struggle with the jumping and even though I had some time faults on stadium, I was able to move up and finished in 2nd. Overall, we had a real good first outing. Now on to the next show...just not sure when and where...


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